Monthly Archives: September 2014

30 Day Movie Challenge: Day 26

Day 26- A movie that is a guilty pleasure I hate the phrase guilty pleasure. Why should I feel guilty about something that brings me pleasure? Pure nonsense! I generally think of “guilty pleasure” movies as campy films; they’re the kind of movies you watch with your closest friends and giggle over the dialogue/acting being […]

30 Day Movie Challenge: Day 25

Day 25- A movie that no one would expect you to love Anyone who knows me well knows that my taste in pop culture (movies in particular) is all over the map. I don’t think I could name any movie I like and have them be genuinely surprised. So I’ll write about a movie someone […]

30 Day Movie Challenge: Day 24

Day 24- Favorite documentary I must admit, I don’t really watch documentaries. I get enough reality in my day to day life and prefer to view films as a means of escape. That being said, my favorite documentary should come as no surprise. It’s Look, Up in the Sky! The Amazing Story of Superman. Because […]

30 Day Movie Challenge: Day 23

Day 23- Your favorite character from any movie Peter Pan is my fave movie character of all time, but again, I don’t want to rehash old posts. I thought it would be difficult to come up with an alternative character to write about. Lucky for me that wasn’t the case. My mind was almost immediately […]

30 Day Movie Challenge: Day 22

Day 22- The most underrated movie Damn, all the hard questions have been saved for the end, starting with this gem. If you haven’t noticed yet, I am not a fan of picking best and worst anything. What makes me qualified to choose? It’s all subjective anyway. For this reason I will choose ONE of […]

30 Day Movie Challenge: Day 21

Day 21- The most overrated movie I’m probably going to get some flack for this but I think Dazed and Confused is one of the most overrated movies. That isn’t to say that I don’t enjoy it (once in a while) but I don’t believe it was handed down from God above like some people (my […]

30 Day Movie Challenge: Day 20

Day 20- Your favorite actress I’ve thought even less about my favorite actress than I have about my favorite actor. I mean, I know my fave TV actress- Sarah Michelle Gellar for life!- but her film roles just haven’t provided her with the same opportunities to showcase her talent and range. Mandy Moore is my […]

30 Day Movie Challenge: Day 19

Day 19- Your favorite actor You know, as much as I go on (and on) about the hot men I see on my various screens. I’ve never given much thought to having a favorite actor. Over time I’ve had favorite crushes but that only rates the face and body. A favorite actor should be rated […]

30 Day Movie Challenge: Day 18

Day 18- The movie that disappointed you the most I try not to go into movies with really high expectations but sometimes I can’t help myself. Such was the story with Man of Steel, the most recent Superman movie. I am a pretty big fan of Supes. I’ve seen all of the movies (including the […]

30 Day Movie Challenge: Day 17

Day 17- The best movie you saw during the last year This is a really difficult post to write. I watch a ton of movies; every week I have my Netflix disc(s), hit the Redbox for three or four movies, plus catch new movies using On Demand. Wow. Seeing it in print is a little […]

30 Day Movie Challenge: Day 16

Day 16- The last movie you saw in theatres Y’all this is really embarrassing but I haven’t been to the movie theatre since December. Almost nine months have passed. I missed seeing X-Men: Days of Future Past, The Amazing Spider-man II, and Guardians of the Galaxy on the big screen. Rough. I guess I can […]

30 Day Movie Challenge: Day 15

Day 15- The first movie you saw in theatres I have absolutely zero recollection of my first movie going experience but according to my mother we saw The Little Mermaid. So much about that makes sense to me. I can sing all of the songs (I totally kill “Part of Your World”), and I’m attracted […]